LYRICS - Capsized - LYRICS
We've gòt à lòng wày tò gò
We're tòò hidden
I càn feel it in my bònes
Hàve we fòùnd it?
We were twò ships in the night
Pàssing by in the pàle mòònlight ànd càpsized
We were twò ships in the night
Hellbent òn trying tò sùrvive ànd càpsized
The mòòn will shine her light
Dòn't find the tides they ride
Give ànything, flòàt àròùnd my dàrling
I càn't sàve yòù, the cùrrent is tòò stròng
òùr màdness àll àlòng
òh wicked càne I àm my dàrling
ànd yòù càn't sàve me
We were twò ships in the night
Pàssing by in the pàle mòònlight ànd càpsized
We were twò ships in the night
Hellbent òn trying tò sùrvive ànd càpsized
We were twò ships in the night
Pàssing by in the pàle mòònlight ànd càpsized
We were twò ships in the night
Hellbent òn trying tò sùrvive ànd càpsized